
Is it time to sell my business?

How much is my company worth?

How do I prepare my company to sell?


Seller Representation // Buyer Outreach // Deal Architecture // Valuations

Everyone eventually exits—it’s just a matter of when. Things happen: retirement, burnout, family issues, or even a pandemic. Maybe the business is underperforming or the market has changed. Sometimes the work-family balance is off. Sometimes you’re just tired. That’s okay. We’ve been in your shoes and can walk with you through this process to ensure you end up receiving the most value and accomplishing all your objectives.

Representation by The Banah Group

A holistic approach that takes into account all variables of life and business.

A better understanding of you and your company.

Detailed transaction modeling for effective decision-making.

Transition resources to help navigate the changes.

A wide network with hundreds of potential buyers.

Let’s start a conversation about where you are headed.


Reach out to schedule a time for us to hear what your business is up to and how we might be able to help.